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Welcome to "TheThinkingPlace.Com.
The material in this website represents the in-process culmination of my life’s work —
the organization and condensation of some of the most useful, practical knowledge
on human behavior and interpersonal relationships — it's a thinker's paradise —
motivational, inspirational, life-affirming, educational, and thought-provoking.
Introducing my latest book, titled...
"Relationship Compatibility Checklist"
Is it time to move in, move out, or run for the hills?
What is it?
- Not only is this book an extraordinary non-threatening communication facilitator, but it's also the ultimate red-flag finder, covering 23 categories of life. It is not an advice book. No rules. No dos and don'ts. No "always this" and "never that."
- If single, learn more about a love interest in as little as an evening or two versus spending weeks, months, or years dating the wrong people.
- If happily married, you'll learn things about yourself and your partner you might otherwise not learn in a lifetime.
- View and share the introductory video below, and join me in helping to make the world a kinder, nicer, more compatible place, one couple at a time. Enjoy.
• Great gift idea
• Ideal book-club choice
• Can even be made into
a fun home party game

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Thinking Matters
Rodin's The Thinker
Click here to receive "The Thinker's Edge."
Scroll down to view the 5 sections listed below.
1. Relationship Compatibility Checklist
Last updated 4-1-24
2. Thinking Matters - Updates coming shortly
3. The Thinker's Edge - Last updated — 3-10-24
4. Making It Happen - Updates 5-20-24
5. About the Author - Updated 5-20-24
Relationship Question for the Day
From my book, Relationship Compatibility Checklist — BREAKING UP: Do most relationships break up over — A. big things, B. cumulative small things? — If your partner or potential love interest answered differently, would that be...an NI-Non-Issue — a PC-Potential Conflict — or, a DB — Deal Breaker?
Solonisms — Thoughts by T.Y.
Getting what you want out of life is only half the battle; the other half is getting it at your own pace. —T.Y.Getting what you want out of life is only half the battle; the other half is getting it at your own pace. —T.Y.Getting what you want out of life is only half the battle; the other half isxxxxxxxxx getting it
Word Stuff
"Prisoner's Dilemma” — The prisoner's dilemma is a paradox in decision analysis in which "two partner's in crime" acting in their own self-interests do not produce the optimal outcome. Each prisoner, not knowing if the other prisoner will or will not confess to reduce their personal penalty, each confesses to assure a reduced penalty, not understanding that the outcome obtained when both confess is worse for each other than the outcome they would have obtained had both remained silent.
Just for Fun
Next time you're asked paper or plastic? Answer, either, I’m bisacksualNext time you're asked paper or plastic? Answer, either, I’m bisacksualNext time you're asked paper or plastic? Answer, either, I’m bisacksualNext time you're asked paper or plastic? Answer, either, I’m bisacksualNext time you're asked paper or plastic? Answer, either, I’m bisacksualNext time you're asked paper or plastic? Answer, either, I’m bisacksualNext time you're asked paper or plastic? Answer, either, I’m bisacksual
Survey Question
Which is more important in a President? — A. their policies, B. their character and integrity, C. their party affiliation, D. their political and governing experience? E. their age, F. their recent results, G. their promises, I. their international relationships.
Email your response to info@thethinkingplace.com
Life Lessons & Reminders
Life is a journey, not a destination. It's a marathon not a sprint. Slow down, take a breath, pacing is the name of the game, don’t burn yourself out. T.Y.Life is a journey, not a destination. It's a marathon not a sprint. Slow down, take a breath, pacing is the name of the game, don’t burn yourself out. T.Y.Life is a journey, not a destination. It's a marathon not a sprint.
Minding Your Mind
Mental Health & Happiness
If you're looking for happiness, there's only one place to look, that's inside your own head. Happiness is intimately related to the attitudes and beliefs that dominate your thinking. T.Y. vvvvnnnIf you're looking for happiness, there's only one
About Relationships
Imagine the most useful and useable.book on relationship compatibility you may ever read, titled Relationship Compatibility Checklist, available on Amazon. It not only explains why the divorce rate of 40 to 50% hasn't improved in 50 years, it offers a solution you'll agree can dramatially increase the odds of making relationships work. For more information, view my introductory video on YouTube or my website, TheThinkingPlace.Com.
Psychological Facts of Life
"You are the person responsible for how you feel. You feel what you think, and you can learn to think differently about anything—if you decide to do so. Ask yourself if there is a sufficient payoff in being unhappy, down, or hurt. Then begin to examine, in depth, the kind of thoughts that are leading you to these debilitating feelings." —Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Quote for The Day
From my first book, Quotations To Help You — "The adjusted individual is one who is able to fit readily into the normal patterns of his society, but it cannot be taken for granted that one who is adjusted is psychologically healthy." —Snell & Gail Putney From my first book, Quotations To Help You — "The adjusted individual is one who is able to fit readily into the
The Thinker’s Edge
Expand Your Mind
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Chick here to receive The Thinker's Edge, our complimentary mailer, features an article or a major topic of interest by T.Y. (Thoughtfully Yours), plus thought-provoking short bits.
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Click here to reach us on Facebook, also not newsy, only posts of thoughtful content.
PS: Please share this website and the Relationship Compatibility Checklist video at the top, and help us make the world a more compatible place, one viewer, one couple at a time.
"Making It Happen"
"Making It Happen" is the name of my old live 40-Hour Seminar. "The Mighty Mind Expander" is an audio condensation of the same.
This section will feature a new, edited, printed, condensed version of "Making It Happen" including favorite excerpts on the following topics: relationships — how to change habits & attitudes — popular psychology — emotions & needs — communications — time-management — decision-making — problem-solving — motivation — goal-setting — personal organization — mind-management — success & happiness — affirmations — acronyms — tips on preparing sales presentations — philosophy — some humor — thinking tips — and some thoughtful odds & ends.
It's called "Making It Happen," not 'make it happen,' because life is an ongoing process, not a destination. This may be one of the most important things I learned, and have since internalized, when first getting involved in the self-development field.
Published by Why Not? Publications, this material is the in-process culmination of a life’s work — the organization and condensation of some of the most useful, practical knowledge on human behavior and interpersonal relationships — representing over 50 years of research. It is not a "rah-rah-hype, you can do it" kind of seminar. Instead, it's a thinking experience. When presented live, it was supported by 1,500 slides and EPS, my Electronic Polling System. It's rentable. Click here for more information.
What this seminar and website are really about... is you and your life. It's about what goes on in your mind as you think about your goals, dreams, hopes, and wishes, as well as your fears, doubts, worries, and insecurities. It's about change and expectations, acceptance and reconciliation, love, trust, and fulfillment in all 8-areas of life, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, financial, family, and career.
Ultimately, it's designed to help you talk to yourself in a language that you can understand and trust.
With these ideas you can re-style your mind-style and redesign your lifestyle.
Although we all have the potential for making it happen, there are nevertheless three kinds of people — those who are making it happen, those who are not, and those who have good intentions. The differences between them is what the seminar is all about. It's the “slight-edge” for minds that matter.
As you continue to journey through your life, visit often and join me on my journey as I edit, rethink, and reaffirm the most important thoughts and ides that have helped me and my departed wife, Bryna, stay sane and happy throughout our lives, even during the most difficult of times. See you soon.
About the Author
Dear Visitor,
My name is Mel Solon. I’ve been in the motivation, personal-development field since 1971. Prior to that, I was a CPA and a stockbroker. After five tax seasons, I was taxed to my limits. When the stock market crashed during broker training, I saw it as a sign and began contemplating my future. Soon thereafter, I discovered the self-development field.
I am not a therapist, a psychologist, nor a spiritual leader. What I am is an exceptionally good organizer who has spent a career organizing and sharing practical self-help knowledge through my live seminars, my personal organization system, my 90-minute audio seminar, and my two books.
My first book, “Quotations To Help You—From Out of Their Minds” contains 8,540 screened and vetted quotations of ageless wisdom. It's like thousands of psychology, philosophy, and self-help books all rolled into one. View video.
My second book, the “Relationship Compatibility Checklist,” a relationship handbook for thinkers, written to honor Bryna, my departed beloved wife, best friend, as well as my business partner during much of our lives.
Bryna passed in 2016, weeks after our 50th anniversary, following a courageous battle with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s Disease. She was my life, my motivation, and my inspiration for writing this book. To learn more about our book, and hear the unique story of how we met, view the introductory video to the "Relationship Compatibility Checklist."
To learn more about Bryna's battle with ALS, listen to "In Pursuit of a Miracle." Click here to hear her reflections and attitude upon hearing the news..."You have ALS."
While she is no longer here physically, we commited to someday writing a book on relationships, based on lessons learned in our 50-year marriage, plus a half-century of research on the subject of personal growth.
The "Relationship Compatibility Checklist" is that book, a fun, easy to use tool designed to provoke thought and stimulate conversation about life and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships.
Its purpose is four-fold: 1. increase the happy marriage rate while reducing the divorce rate, 2. save people from the heartache of ever again having to say, “If only I knew then what I know now,” 3 . save the reader from spending weeks, months or years dating the wrong people, and 4. help make the world a kinder, nicer, more compatible place.
The "Relationship Compatibility Checklist" can accomplish this, and much, much more. See video.
To purchase our book, go to Amazon.Com.