Quotations To Help You
From Out of Their Minds
The most extraordinarily useful and useable book of quotationsthat you and your mind could ever benefit from.
"Quotations To Help You"
From Out of Their Minds
Book Description:
- This book is comprised of 8,540 screened and vetted quotations of ageless wisdom, collected over a lifetime during 50 years in the personal development field.
- Indexed under 1,500 key words, this hardbound book of coffee-table quality, is like thousands of psychology, philosophy, and self-help books all rolled into one.
- The 5-section, color-coded index makes this 800+ page book so functional and easy to use, you'll use it not only as a reference book, but also regularly, even daily,.as a self-help personal development course, designed to stimulate & enrich your mind.
- "Quotations To Help You—From Out of Their Minds" is potentially life-changing, and may be the most extraordinarily useful and usable book of quotations that you and your mind could ever benefit from.
- To see reviews, click here.
The full version introductory video below is like a mini-course in self-development. Enjoy.
While the book is not currently available for sale, go to the Contact US page and check the box YES, please inform me when the book has been reprinted and is again available for sale.
Quotations Book Videos
Short Version

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Full Version

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The Mighty Mind Expander
This 90-minute audio seminar, a condensation of my past, live, 40-hour, personal-development. It's about ageless wisdom, attitude, self-development, the thinker's edge, success, motivation, and premeditated happiness. It is not currently available as a download. Check YES in Contact Us page to be kept informed when this audio seminar is again available for sale and download.
The Mighty Mind Expander My favorite testimonial
"My name is Charlie. I am a 25-year-old young professional. When Mel first came to me about The Mighty Mind Expander, I was skeptical as I am of many preachy, self-improvement type seminars. After listening to the entire 90 minute program I was blown away. Not only, does it not moralize, it doesn’t try to change the way you think. It will, however, put your thinking into clearer perspective.
The pacing was totally comfortable. His voice and timbre were calm and engaging, never forced. Being easy to listen to, and relevant to my day to day life, it not only helped me clarify my direction, it positively impacted my thoughts, emotions, feelings, and spirituality.
In the last 5 years, I’ve listened to at least 40 audio self-help products. This is by far the most helpful and most relevant of them all."
While the full video entitled The Mighty Mind Expander is not currently being published, listen to the introductory video by my departed love-of-my-life, Bryna, who passed a few weeks after our 50th anniversary of ALS. In it she explains her attitude toward hearing the news that she had a rare terminal disease with no cure.
Click here to see three reviews of my full length seminar. The Mighty Mind Expander is a condensation of that seminar.
Electronic Polling System™ (EPS)
Ever wish you had ESP-extrasensory perception? Now you can with EPS... the ultimate, non-digital, 100% anonymous Electronic Polling System
This equipment is available on a rental basis. Contact me for more information.
See Contact Us.
EPS is the only way to conduct anonymous, honest, real-time polling—you can revise, clarify, qualify, and reword polling questions on the fly. This makes the polling session more interactive and engaging and the responses more relevant. With no fear of being recorded, it’s more fun and exciting for those being polled.
The System
EPS enables leaders, managers, trainers, and other group facilitators to receive real-time, anonymous, honest feedback from up to 45 participants in a classroom or up to 10 participants at a conference table, perfect for board, sales, and association meetings or for conducting seminars, surveys, and focus groups.
Display Panel
The groups’ answers to polling questions are instantly and electronically summarized, ready for display on a panel of LED lights. When all votes or responses are in, a display button is pushed to reflect the number of people who have pressed A, B, C, or D. Since no specific LED light is connected to any particular polling terminal or button, participants are afforded complete anonymity—the result is the truth.
Polling Terminal
A four-button input terminal, shielded for complete privacy, allows each participant to anonymously answer any question with yes or no, true or false, or with any or all of four multiple choices.